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2024-25 Company Contests

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Star Quarter 1

June 16, 2024 - September 15, 2024

Exciting prizes can be yours when you set and achieve a retail selling goal to support at least $1,800 in wholesale Section 1 orders every quarter! You can choose which prize or prizes you will work toward. And remember, success in the Star Consultant Program can be your link to earning prizes and recognition in other Mary Kay challenges as well.

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Power Your Sales!

July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

Each month during the 2024–2025 Seminar year that an Independent Beauty Consultant has personal retail sales of $700 or more in wholesale Section 1 products, she can earn the monthly reward from the Power Your Sales Monthly Selling Challenge.


Establishing a strong customer base and selling $700 or more a month in wholesale Section 1 products can help you become a quarterly Star Consultant and  Power UP your Mary Kay business! The fabulous monthly rewards can’t be found in a store – you can only get them by achieving this challenge.

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12 Month Consistency

July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025

When you achieve this yearlong consistency challenge, you can earn this Mary Kay-branded perpetual calendar filled with Mary Kay Ash quotes!

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Seminar Awards

July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025

Roll out the red carpet, and light up the stage, Seminar Awards are something to celebrate! Mary Kay Ash believed in royal rewards – from exquisite jewelry fit for a queen to majestic trips only imagined in dreams – and in empowering women to achieve great things. Be inspired by these regal rewards as you reach for greatness in your business and beyond, knowing that you are truly worthy of these crowning glories and more.

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